7 Reasons Business Cards Still Matter in 2022

In today’s tech-centric world, you might assume that business cards have gone the way of the Blackberry. After all, in a culture where people can tap cell phones to share contact information in an instant, is there really a need for printed business cards these days?

The answer might surprise you.

Contrary to popular opinion, having professionally printed business cards is still important in 2022, and we’ve gathered 7 of our top reasons why. Let’s take a look.

1. Most peers expect you to have them

Yes, there are plenty of professionals who are embracing digital versions of business cards, but the traditional hard copies are still expected by many of your professional peers. For example, if you’re at a meet-and-greet or networking opportunity, you can be sure business cards will be passed around with great regularity.

If you’re there without yours, you’ll leave your peers with the impression that you were unprepared for the event.

2. They’re Dependable

No matter how wonderful technology may be, there are times when service drops, or you find yourself connecting with someone in a space where you’re left with zero bars. If you’re dependent on using your cell to make connections, you’re out of luck.

Professionally printed business cards are dependable no matter how bad cellular reception may be. There’s something to be said for the peace of mind that comes from knowing you can easily share your contact information with anyone at any time.

3. Some People Don’t Have Cell Phones

Yes, you read that correctly. There are people in the world who don’t own cell phones at all, and others who opt to leave their phone at home when they’re out and about. Having business cards at the ready means you’re prepared to connect with everyone you meet and can leave a lasting impression without relying on technology.

4. They are a Great Direct Marketing Tool

While there is certainly a place in your marketing strategy for search engine optimization, social media marketing, and other methods to attract leads and prospective customers, there is something to be said about leaving your business card with a potential customer after having a face-to-face encounter.

Having business cards on hand to dole out when you’re at industry conferences, trade shows, or even at the airport (hey, you never know when you’ll meet a potential client) ensures you’ll be ready to take advantage of a potentially valuable opportunity for your business.

5. They are a Fast and Inexpensive Way to Connect

The point of a business card is to allow you to share your contact information quickly and easily with others. And when you buy your cards in bulk, you often receive a discount from your printing company, making business cards surprisingly economical.

Passing a business card to a potential client looks much more professional than tearing a piece of paper out of a notebook and jotting down your name, phone number, and email. And it virtually eliminates the risk that the customer won’t be able to read your hurried handwriting.

6. They Can Work Alongside Technology

When it comes to technology vs. business cards, who says you must choose one over the other? Why not incorporate the best of both worlds?

Many people who love the direct marketing benefits of having business cards on hand have taken to adding a digital QR code to their cards. Recipients can scan the QR code with their cell phone camera and have instant access to additional information from you, including:

  • Uploading your contact information to their phone
  • Special offers or discounts for those who scan the code
  • A map location directing recipients to your event, office, or brick-and-mortar shop
  • Your social media accounts
  • Your work portfolio

When you hand out your business card, be clear with recipients on why they should scan your QR code (what’s in it for them) so they don’t overlook it.

7. It Can Make or Break Your Brand

Of course, the purpose of a good business card is to boost your brand…but that may not happen if you decide to cut corners and print your cards at home. Low grade paper with the perforated edges where you tore your cards apart and low-quality graphics not only look cheap, but they also make your brand feel cheap.

Talk to a professional print house to get a quote for customised business cards. You’ll be happy to know that professionally printed cards are available at a variety of price points, so they’ll likely have something that will fit within your budget limits.

And so…

If you are ready to have eye-catching and memorable business cards professionally printed, we hope you’ll contact us at Cloudprint Group. We can print in standard sizes or come up with a completely customised size and shape just for you.

When it comes to sharing details about you and your business, there’s just no better tool than the tried-and-true business card. Together, we’ll create cards your potential customers won’t be able to forget.

Many thanks,
Christian & the CloudPrint team.

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