4 Reasons Why Hiring a Professional Digital Printer Just Makes Sense

In today’s DIY-centric world, it is common practice to head to YouTube or your favorite social media platform to learn how to accomplish whatever task you have at hand all on your own. This is especially true when it comes to printing products. Every year, millions of people take on the responsibility of printing their own holiday cards, return envelopes, wedding or party invitations, business cards, pamphlets, or brochures…whew. That’s a lot, but the list could go on ad infinitum due, in part, to all those online DIY experts who assure you can knock out any printing project at home in half the time for a fraction of the cost.

But are they telling you the truth?

We’ve gathered a must-read list of 4 reasons why hiring a professional print house just makes sense…despite what Gen Z social media gurus may tell you. Let’s take a look.

1. Hiring a Pro Team Saves You Money

Since cost is usually the number one reason people decide to tackle a print job themselves, we thought we’d start with this often-surprising truth:

Printing your order yourself doesn’t always save you money.

How can this be you ask? One reason lies in the size of the job. If you are printing a couple of simple flyers to post around your neighborhood alerting neighbors to your upcoming garage sale, you may be just fine. But if you are printing hundreds of invitations or brochures, the cost of purchasing supplies at retail rates will quickly add up.

Professional print houses have the luxury of purchasing supplies in bulk at a lower rate than you will find. And, because they are pros, the odds of them making a mistake are quite low which, in turn, saves even more money. You, on the other hand, will likely print multiple versions of your project, confirming placement, orientation, and color choices…thereby increasing the overall cost of your project in the process.

2. You Get What You Pay For

Let’s face it…you will be hard pressed to organise the layout of your design in a way that is as professional as what a digital print team will create. When you decide to work with a print house, your idea is being crafted into a unique design by a team of professionals with years of education and experience.

Additionally, professional printers have access to a variety of high-quality papers and ink and will use the best materials for your project. Everyone has that one co-worker who insists on printing their business cards at home, and you’ve likely cringed internally as they handed a pixelated, clip art heavy, black-and-white nightmare of a card that was created in Word over to a potential client. Did he or she save a few bucks by tackling printing on their own? Possibly…but the odds of landing a client with that sub-par card is slim to none.

Retaining the services of a professional team results in a product that looks professionally crafted. This, in turn, improves the way business associates and potential clients view both you as a professional and your business.

3. It Saves You Time

When you send your print job off to the pros, you free up more of your time to prepare for the event at hand. And we can guarantee professional printers will complete your task in a fraction of the time it would take you to gather the necessary supplies and teach yourself how to do the job.

A professional print house has all the necessary materials and equipment at the ready and will likely have your product ready for pick up in a few hours.

4. Offers Peace of Mind

When the job is important, printing at home can cause unnecessary stress. Imagine trying to print the wedding invitations for your upcoming nuptials or committing to creating and printing the updated brochures for your business. Taking on such important projects and trying to do them yourself can send your blood pressure into the stratosphere.

Hiring a professional team means you have instant access to their trained eyes for design. They can quickly tell you what works and what doesn’t, can walk you through different design options and layouts, and guide you through the creation process until you have a look you absolutely love.

And so…

If you’ve decided to let go of the DIY mentality and embrace the peace that comes with hiring a professional team, we hope you’ll contact us at Cloudprint Group. Our team combines years of industrial experience from national and international leaders to provide you with premium quality, cost-effective print products. Whether you’re looking for a quote on an upcoming print project, or just want to ask a question, our team is ready and willing to bring your printing dreams to life.

Many thanks,
Christian & the CloudPrint team.

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