Business Card 101: Everything You Need to Know to Create a Card That Really Stands Out

You may be wondering if, given the digital-centric age we’re living in, keeping business cards on hand really matters. Couldn’t you just create a personal QR code and go paperless? The truth is you could, but we are firm believers that there is still a place for printed business cards in the modern world. In fact, click here to read our recent blog with 7 Reasons Business Cards Still Matter in 2022.

Though they may seem more traditional, business cards remain one of the most efficient ways to get your information into the hands of potential clients, customers, and business peers.

And so, we thought we would offer up a crash course – think of it as Business Card 101 – with everything you need to know about creating a professional, well-styled business card that will ensure those who receive it remember you.

There is No Universal Sizing for Business Cards

It’s important to know that the right size card for you will largely depend on where you live in the world. The United States and Canada have some of the smallest business cards with an average measurement of 89 x 51 mm, and China and Australia have some of the largest, measuring 90 x 55 mm.

A quick online search for standard business card measurements in your country should provide you with accurate results.

To Self-Print or Pro Print.. That is the Question

Hop online once more and search for DIY business card printing, and you’ll be inundated with an endless list of self-printing options. But think of the act of printing your own business cards as you would the act of buying a tattoo kit on Amazon—can you do it yourself? Sure. Should you? Probably not.

As is the case with tattooing, creating a professional business card requires knowledge, talent, and lots and lots of practice. That’s not to say it can’t be done, and there are ways to make it easier.

  1. Don’t start from scratch – It is an effort in futility to try to craft a business card image from scratch. Knowing exactly how to size your image (and remembering to leave a 1/8” margin for the “bleed” that gets trimmed after printing) is challenging for anyone who doesn’t print for a living. And trying to teach yourself how to leave editable text “live”, remove crop marks, and prepare files in CMYK color mode will likely have you pulling out your hair. Instead…

  2. Find a free template online – If you are bound and determined to print your business cards yourself, the internet is your best friend. Search for “free business card templates” and browse through a few to find the best option for you. The beauty of using a template is most of the hard work has been done for you. Many of them give you a great starting point with font and layout suggestions, and they have a handy dotted line to represent the bleed, so you can see exactly how your card will look once that area is trimmed.

Add Well Branded.. and Well Edited.. Information

Remember that your business card is an extension of your brand. When you’re handing it out, you should hear the words made famous by modern-day poet Eminem ringing in your ears…

This is your one shot…do not miss your chance to blow…the opportunity comes once in a lifetime…

You have one shot to make a stellar first impression, and the card you design is a big part of that. So, make sure the information you add makes sense.

Your branding should be clear and beautiful. Include your business logo and your tagline (if you have one). Add your name (the one you go by…if your name is John but everyone calls you Jack, then Jack should be the name on display) and your professional title in an easy-to-read font (no cursive, please and thank you).

Next comes the bread and butter—your contact information. At a minimum, you should have your phone number and work email included. You may also want to include your website, but the address you use should take visitors somewhere other than your homepage. Consider creating a dedicated page for those visiting after receiving your business card. Here, visitors can read a short bio about your business and your services. You may even want to post a brief welcome video to make the connection more personal.

And if you want to get uber-techy, consider using a QR code that will take recipients directly to the aforementioned website page. The person with your card may not have the time or interest in typing in your web address, but he or she can easily use the QR code to access your site.

And so…

If you decide you’d rather leave the business card crafting to the professionals, we hope you’ll contact us as Cloudprint Group. Our team of digital printing gurus can print in both standard and custom sizes and will have well-branded business cards in your hand in a flash.

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